International Market Analysis


Category Archives: Energy Security

“Georgian Dream Meets Reality: The Coalition’s First Term and Future Reform Prospects”

“Georgian Dream Meets Reality: The Coalition’s First Term and Future Reform Prospects” Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., and Ivan Benovic October 2016 Executive Summary   Concluding its first four years in power, the Georgian Dream coalition government has reformed and changed many aspects of Georgia’s public life. The coalition has not only continued along the path

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Ариэль Коэн: «У Азербайджана в этом смысле непростая ситуация…»

Dr. Cohen discussing Azerbaijan on Vesti AZ Vesti AZ September 30, 2016 В августе в Баку состоялся трехсторонний саммит России, Ирана и Азербайджана. Важно и то, где происходила эта встреча, и то, когда она состоялась. Баку, столица Азербайджана, выбран не случайно. Азербайджан и географически, и геополитически расположен между Россией и Ираном. И лучшего места

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Эксперт оценил перспективы договоренности ОПЕК по добыче нефти

Ariel Cohen on oil prices past OPEC decision on Russia’s RIA Novosti RIA Novosti September 30, 2016 БАКУ, 30 сен — РИА Новости, Вугар Гасанов. Успехи ОПЕК в поддержке цен на нефть будут сведены на нет, как только квоты добычи начнут нарушаться участниками картеля, заявил РИА Новости ведущий эксперт Атлантического совета, директор Центра энергетики,

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United States and Canada Must Jointly Develop North American Energy Market

Atlantic Council March 25, 2016 By Ariel Cohen Falling oil prices are a major challenge for oil revenue-dependent markets, including Venezuela, Russia, and Iran. But closer to the United States, Canada, which is heavily dependent on oil exports, is also suffering. Estimated Canadian oil reserves sit at 172 billion barrels. Russia, in comparison, only has

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Iranian gas industry to require massive investments to meet European demands

Trend News Agency January 26, 2016 By Elena Kosolapova The Iranian gas industry will require massive investments to meet European and global demand, Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center and Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center Ariel Cohen said in his report obtained by Trend. “Only 160 billion cubic meters of gas

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Why TANAP/TAP a better alternative than Turkish Stream

Trend News Agency January 27, 2016 By Aygun Badalova The Trans Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), being realized within the Southern Gas Corridor project, aimed at the the transportation of the Caspian gas to Europe, provide a better alternative than Russia’s Turkish Stream project, Ariel Cohen, Nonresident Senior Research Fellow

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Amid Falling Oil Price, Middle East Arms Race Led By Saudi Arabia Expected To Slow Down

International Business Times January 12, 2016 By Christopher Harress As Middle East nations look to build up their weaponry amid regional civil wars, that arms race is now at risk of grinding to a halt. The price of oil kept sliding Tuesday, past the point where the oil-based economies in the region are able to balance their budgets.

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Saudi-Iranian Crisis, China’s Economic Slide Set Stage for Perfect Storm in the Oil Market

The Atlantic Council January 5, 2016 By Ariel Cohen The deepening rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran may have dire consequences for global oil markets because the kingdom’s Eastern Province, where the Shia are in the majority, produces most of its oil. Production would suffer if Iran were to foment unrest among this population.

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Russia’s Quarrel With Turkey Is Distracting—and Dangerous

The National Interest December 3, 2015 By Ariel Cohen De-escalation is crucial in order to restore focus on the Syrian war itself. As the world’s leaders gathered for the COP 21 climate change summit in Paris, a more immediate and grave threat should have preoccupied their attention. Two regional powers, Russia and Turkey, have

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