Dr. Cohen discussing Azerbaijan on Vesti AZ Vesti AZ September 30, 2016 http://m.vesti.az/news/307511 В августе в Баку состоялся трехсторонний саммит России, Ирана и Азербайджана. Важно и то, где происходила эта встреча, и то, когда она состоялась. Баку, столица Азербайджана, выбран не случайно. Азербайджан и географически, и геополитически расположен между Россией и Ираном. И лучшего места
Category Archives: Europe
Эксперт оценил перспективы договоренности ОПЕК по добыче нефти
Ariel Cohen on oil prices past OPEC decision on Russia’s RIA Novosti RIA Novosti September 30, 2016 https://ria.ru/economy/20160930/1478194032.html БАКУ, 30 сен — РИА Новости, Вугар Гасанов. Успехи ОПЕК в поддержке цен на нефть будут сведены на нет, как только квоты добычи начнут нарушаться участниками картеля, заявил РИА Новости ведущий эксперт Атлантического совета, директор Центра энергетики,
Dr. Ariel Cohen on CNN Newsroom Live discussing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine
Dr. Ariel Cohen on CNN Newsroom Live discussing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine CNN International (US) – U.S. Cable 08/12/2016 http://mms.tveyes.com/PlaybackPortal.aspx?SavedEditID=7df065b7-ed3f-4881-8471-166437021bf6 CNNI 08/12/2016 12:31:08 AM: …there is one theory out that with go-round with ukraine. economy in so much trouble because the we are now joined from the rush sanctions and falling oil prices conflict in washington. there is a theory out
NATO Should Stand Up Black Sea Command Before It’s Too Late
Atlantic Council July 5, 2016 By Ariel Cohen At its summit in Warsaw on July 8 and 9, NATO should take urgent steps to protect its allies and partners on its southeastern flank. Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey, as well as Ukraine and Georgia, are all under severe pressure from Russia and require NATO assistance. Stephen
Avoiding Balkan Black Swans
The Huffington Post April 20, 2016 By Ariel Cohen The Balkans have become a pivotal region in the refugee crisis that is endangering European stability and security. The flood of refugees exceeded 1 million last year, and is unlikely to recede ― despite the agreement reached by the EU with Turkey on March 18, 2016.
Russia Is Not Nine Feet Tall
Huffington Post April 1, 2016 By Ariel Cohen As Russia has boycotted the global Nuclear Security summit hosted by President Barack Obama in Washington, DC, March 31-April 1, 2016, questions arise as to the second nuclear superpower’s policies and capabilities. Can Moscow afford to stay out in the cold, when the leaders of over 50
Putin’s Weakness Gives Kerry a Strong Hand
Newsweek March 24, 2016 By Ariel Cohen http://www.newsweek.com/putin-weakness-gives-kerry-strong-hand-440089 In Moscow this week, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry should keep in mind that Russia’s recent military engagements in Ukraine and Syria represent an attempt to manipulate perceptions. The Kremlin wants to position itself as a peer of America, open to cooperation against ISIS, but capable
Memo to Secretary Kerry: Russia Is Weaker Than You Think
The Atlantic Council March 23, 2016 By Ariel Cohen http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/memo-to-secretary-kerry-russia-is-weaker-than-you-think When US Secretary of State John Kerry goes to Moscow this week, he should keep in mind that Russia’s recent military engagements in Ukraine and Syria represent an attempt to manipulate perceptions. The Kremlin wants to position itself as a peer of America, open to
Dr. Cohen on BBC World News – Russia, Syria
Dr. Cohen on BBC World News speaking about US-Russian relations as they are playing out in Syria BBC World News March 4, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a–n8xRIvjc&feature=youtu.be
Iranian gas industry to require massive investments to meet European demands
Trend News Agency January 26, 2016 By Elena Kosolapova The Iranian gas industry will require massive investments to meet European and global demand, Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center and Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center Ariel Cohen said in his report obtained by Trend. “Only 160 billion cubic meters of gas