60 Minutes (60 Минут) Russia (Россия 1) 21/3/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBuzhk_wnSc&app=desktop
Category Archives: Geopolitics
Dr. Cohen on BBC World News commenting on the meeting between President Trump and Chancellor Angela Merkel
BBC March 20, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydGqX9G7T6M&feature=youtu.be
Trump and Merkel Cannot Afford to Fail
The Atlantic Council Ariel Cohen March 15, 2017 http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/trump-and-merkel-cannot-afford-to-fail The massive snowstorm that postponed German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to the White House is symbolic of the chill in US-German relations. US President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized Merkel’s open borders policy, which has brought over 1,250,000 refugees to Germany since 2015. Merkel has responded
How to Protect Hawaii from a North Korean Missile Attack
The Huffington Post Ariel Cohen March 10, 2017 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/how-to-protect-hawaii-from-a-north-korean-missile-attack_us_58c2eaa8e4b0c3276fb78451 Ballistic missile launches by North Korea and Iran are among the first tests being faced by the new Trump Administration – literally, trial by fire. The latest North Korean launches occurred on March 6th, when Pyongyang fired four missiles towards Japan. The Administration’s response will be
Dr. Cohen Quoted in Article on North Korea
North Korea Could Soon Launch Attach on Hawaii By Natalie Johnson The Washington Free Beacon March 8, 2017 http://freebeacon.com/national-security/north-korea-soon-launch-attack-hawaii/ North Korea could soon have the capacity to launch an attack on Hawaii that would devastate America’s Pacific military bases, accelerating the need for the United States to upgrade missile defenses in the area. The United
Dr. Cohen Speaks on US-Russian Relations on OAN
One America News Network March 8, 2017
Dr. Cohen Speaks on US-Ukrainian Relations
Усi Медиаформати 07/03/2017 http://m.dw.com/uk/гра-на-випередження-чому-українські-високопосадовці-поспішають-до-сша-07032017/av-37845920
Dr. Cohen Speaks on Syrian Conflict on DOC TV
DOC TV March 3, 2017
The Trump-Putin Honeymoon is Over
Newsweek March 1, 2017 By Ariel Cohen http://www.newsweek.com/trump-putin-honeymoon-over-562180 This article first appeared on the Atlantic Council site. As Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster takes over President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, conducting a bottom-up review and developing a Russia policy at the NSC, Pentagon and State Department should be a top priority for the administration. Russia
Конец медового месяца Путина и Трампа
Новое Время Ариэль Коэн 1 марта 2017 http://nv.ua/opinion/cohen/konets-medovogo-mesjatsa-putina-i-trampa-724944.html Надежды на быструю разрядку в отношениях со Штатами не оправдались, и Кремль вернулся к привычному для себя поведению времен Холодной войны. С приходом генерала Герберта Макмастера в Совет по национальной безопасности США, одним из ключевых приоритетов администрации Дональда Трампа должен стать полный пересмотр политики в отношении России,