Published on May 6, 2015 Expert Ariel Cohen joins the latest episode of “This Week in Focus”, to talk about Europe’s energy security, gas supplies from Caspian Region and Azerbaijan’s role in the Southern Gas Corridor
Category Archives: Geopolitics
Natural Gas Europe
May 04, 2015
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras that Greece would get “hundreds of millions of Euros every year” for bringing Russian gas into the EU. Gazprom’s goal is to establish a new entry point to Europe bypassing the traditional route through Ukraine. Panagiotis Lafazanis, the Greek energy minister, announced last week that Athens may repay the advance provided by Moscow once the “Turkish Stream” extension becomes operational in 2019.
No Easy Outs for Putin: US Presidential Candidates United on Ukraine
Atlantic Council
April, 21, 2015
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
Ukraine will remain at the heart of the conflict between the US and Russia beyond the 2016 presidential election. In the polls, Americans are united on Ukraine; the majority of respondents support increased sanctions on the Kremlin. All of the major presidential candidates, save Senator Rand Paul, take a tough approach with Moscow and support arming Ukraine.
Putin’s Chilling Message to the West
April 10, 2015
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
Vladimir Putin’s 10-day disappearance shortly after the murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov and his triumphal reappearance after the broadcast of a 150-minute documentary on state television, suggest a more erratic—and aggressive—policy course in Russia. Here’s why.
How the Eastern Mediterranean Could Supply Natural Gas to Europe
As Europe is seeking sources of natural gas to serve as an alternative for the politically sensitive Gazprom supply, a massive gas source presents itself for exploration and production. Whether this will happen or not depends on Turkey, a potential transit country.
Ariel Cohen, Ph.D.: Unanswered: Putin’s Continuing March on Ukraine
Published on Mar 23, 2015 Recorded at Center for Security Policy’s National Security Group Lunch on Capitol Hill on Thursday, March 19, 2015 Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., Director, Center for Energy, Natural Resources and Geopolitics, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security Topic: Unanswered: Putin’s Continuing March on Ukraine
Ukraine’s tax hike will strangle the domestic oil and gas sector
Natural Gas Europe
March 10, 2015
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
Ukraine is facing existential challenges, and energy security is one of them. The country is dependent on Russia supplying most of its natural gas as well as uranium fuel for its nuclear reactors. Under these very difficult circumstances, a government with a holistic view of its strategic security and energy goals would logically develop a policy aimed at encouraging increased domestic oil and gas production. Unfortunately, Kyiv is doing the opposite.
Nemtsov’s murder — the tip of Vladimir Putin’s iceberg
Washington Times
March 04, 2015
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
The murder of my good friend Boris Nemtsov is a personal tragedy. When we met for lunch in Tel Aviv a few months ago, I warned him not to return to Moscow. Posters and ads denouncing him as a “national traitor” had been plastered all over the city’s Novy Arbat Avenue and on the Internet.
Argentina the rogue
The Hill
February 04, 2015
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
This week Argentina appealed to the UN General Assembly to push through the Multilateral Legal Framework for Sovereign Debt Restructuring, which is being touted as a means to allow poor countries to avoid creditors and establish an international mechanism for paying off their default loans.
Dr. Cohen on “This Week in Focus”
Published on Jan 28, 2015 The first episode of This Week in Focus program is dedicated to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well as role of the international community, in particular, Russia and the US in the settlement of the conflict.