Refugees crowded into squalid camps is not a new mental image. The numbers of refugees are continuing to climb globally. This humanitarian crisis is not just a disaster on its own terms but is also an underappreciated part of our modern energy crises. Read the full article here…
Category Archives: Geopolitics
Floating Solar: The Most Practical Green Technology?
Earlier this month, the US Army launched a large floating solar array at Camp Mackall on Fort Bragg in North Carolina— the country’s largest domestic military base. This launch marks a critical moment for floating photovoltaics (FPVs) which have yet to attract mainstream attention in the USA. Read the full article here…
The Roots of Putin’s Strategic Fiasco in Ukraine
From many conversations held with Russian policymakers, we know that the vision which denies Ukraine peoplehood, and the Kremlin’s resulting aggressions, are nothing new. This war’s atrocities flow from the dark misapprehensions held by many Moscow elites concerning Russia’s destiny, history and geopolitics. Read the full article…
Is a Marshall Plan right for Ukraine?
Even before battlefields are silent, the battle for billions in Ukrainian reconstruction budgets has already begun. Top U.S. policy makers, including Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen championed the initial assistance package to Ukraine, which passed (86-11) in the Senate on May 19. Read the full article…
Kazakhstan Needs Stability And Economic Institutions To Develop Energy Resources
To understand the international agonies and opportunities that rising energy supply costs, exogenous shocks, increasing interest in renewables, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine present, there is no better example than Kazakhstan. It is singularly damaged by the current crises while simultaneously having so much potential to benefit from the global need for energy. Read the
China’s Wind Power Push Threatens US Strategic Interests
Government priorities feature prominently in discussions over the transition to renewable energy. Enthusiasm may abound for wind power, but if the United States is serious about its future, it must address critical supply chain disruptions and market-distorting foreign competition. Read the full article…
Viktor Orban’s Goulash Energy Policy Makes Hungary Putin’s Trojan Horse In Europe
On Wednesday, Hungary demanded that shipments of Russian oil be exempt from the European Union’s proposed sanctions. This statement comes amidst tense negotiations between Budapest and Brussels over the EU’s sixth round of penalties against Moscow. Budapest has proven the most skeptical of the plan, which requires the unanimous consent of member states. Read the full article…
Profits Skyrocket for US LNG Companies
The United States is poised to become the world’s leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter by the year’s end. The US Energy Information Administration forecasts the country will export a whopping 12.2 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) average to surpass Australia and Qatar for the top spot. Read the full article…
The U.S. Can Win Over Russia’s Neighbors
Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine has provided the U.S. with a critical opportunity to diminish Russia’s influence over its neighbors by giving them technical assistance, economic development, and security that neither Moscow nor Beijing can. Read the full article…
The U.S. Can Win Over Russia’s Neighbors
Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine has provided the U.S. with a critical opportunity to diminish Russia’s influence over its neighbors by giving them technical assistance, economic development, and security that neither Moscow nor Beijing can. Read the full article…