Jerusalem Post November 3, 2015 By Ariel Ben Solomon Putin’s government tries to establish a security belt stretching from Iraq to the Mediterranean, expert tells the “Post.” The US is facing a “Cold War 2.0” against Russia in places such as Ukraine, the Baltic states, and Syria as President Vladimir Putin’s government tries to establish
Category Archives: Middle East
Trial by turbulence in Turkey
The Hill October 30, 2015 By Ariel Cohen As the maelstrom of mayhem in the Middle East – from Benghazi to Baghdad and from Tripoli to Tikrit – expands, Turkey, a pillar of U.S. Middle East policy, is facing tough tests from without and within. Sunni-Shi’a strife combined with the rise of ISIS is erasing
War in Syria: Time for America to Get Tough on Russia
The National Interest October 15, 2015 By Ariel Cohen Last week, Russia hit Syria with 26 Kalibr cruise missiles fired from its warships in the Caspian Sea. The strikes mirrored the U.S. Tomahawk missile strikes against Iraq and Afghanistan of the past decade. This is the first time Russia is using military force outside the
Dr. Cohen’s commentary on the situation in Syria (Russian)
RBC TV Channel September 20, 2015 Dr. Cohen’s interview with RBK, Russian business channel, discussing the military aspects of Russia’s involvement in Syria.
«Проекции силы»: кто выиграет в Сирии
Forbes Russia September 17, 2015 By Ariel Cohen Главным источником беспокойства США остается отсутствие информации о целях России на Ближнем Востоке За что боролись, на то и напоролись. Уж очень хотел президент Барак Обама освободить Иран из «клетки» санкций и освободил. Теперь российско-иранское сотрудничество по проблеме Сирии начинает нервировать Вашингтон. Россия говорит о сотрудничестве против
Dr. Ariel Cohen on the September 2015 clashes on and around Temple Mount in Jerusalem
TRT World September 14, 2015
Russia from Ukraine to Syria: Helping the Cat Down the Tree
The Atlantic Council September 8, 2015 By Ariel Cohen Russia’s military involvement in Syria and Ukraine obligates the United States and its European allies to bring the Kremlin back to Earth and recognize that such adventures cannot be sustained indefinitely. Russia simply does not have the money and human resources to do so in view
A More-Interesting-Than-Usual Panel on the Iran Deal
The Atlantic September 5, 2015 By James Fallows It’s Saturday night of Labor Day weekend. If you’re anything like me, rather than having some barbecue and a beer, or watching baseball, or watching tennis, or watching football (etc), or reading a book, you’re probably wondering: “How could I learn a little bit more about the
Iran Nuclear Agreement – C-SPAN C-SPAN September 4, 2015 Panelists talked about the strengths and weaknesses of the Iran nuclear agreement. As Congress prepares for a crucial vote on the Iran deal in September, our panel of distinguished experts looked beyond partisan lines to present a wide range of views on the national-security stakes involved for the United States, Israel,
The Atlantic Council
June 03, 2015
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
When oil ministers from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meet in Vienna on June 5, they’ll face a strategic dilemma. Political instability in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is discouraging capital investment in local oil and gas projects, and shifting interest to North Americanshale—despite MENA’s cheap, abundant and easy-to-extract hydrocarbon resources (see graphs below). Although the current oil slump has hurt investment worldwide, the recovery period appears to favor investment in North America, the Caspian, and Africa at OPEC’s expense.