International Market Analysis


Category Archives: In The News

Iran Accused Of Eco-Terrorism As Oil Spill Washes Up On Israeli Beaches

The Israeli government is accusing Iran of environmental terrorism over the historic oil disaster unfolding along its Mediterranean coast line. At this point, nearly 100 tons of tar and contaminated material have been scraped off the country’s shores since cleanup efforts began on the 21st of February. In the ensuing investigation the original culprit has since been identified by authorities

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Texas Energy Crisis Is An Epic Resilience And Leadership Failure

Let’s not mince words – the energy crisis in Texas is an unmitigated disaster on all fronts. Some 4.4 million people have been without power, heat, and running water for days and lack of the state grid’s preparation is to blame. Texas loves to brag about its energy independence and self-reliant electrical grid. But the events of the past week

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Chevron Dethrones Exxon As America’s Most Valuable Oil Company

The U.S. oil sector witnessed a historic day yesterday, as ExxonMobil fell behind its breakaway sister Chevron in market capitalization with $141.6 billion versus $142 billion at NYSE closing, making it America’s most valuable oil company. This is the first time since the breakup of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil in 1911 that Chevron surpassed Exxon in market cap.

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Armenia y Azerbaiyán “al borde de la guerra”: la Guerra del Alto Karabaj, el conflicto que dividió para siempre las dos naciones y que sigue vigente más de 30 años después

Una guerra que nunca ha terminado vive su capítulo más sangriento desde la última gran tregua. A más de 30 años del inicio del conflicto del Alto Karabaj (o Nagorno Karabaj), Armenia y Azerbaiyán cruzan otra vez disparos y misiles y dejan muertos y heridos en una de las zonas de mayor tensión del planeta. Continued

Poland urges Germany to stop Nord Stream 2

As the Navalny case respins the geopolitical kaleidoscope, Poland is pushing Germany to scrap Nord Stream 2. DW looks at Berlin’s options for the costly, controversial and delayed gas pipeline. Continued