TRT World September 14, 2015
Category Archives: Videos
Iran Nuclear Agreement – C-SPAN C-SPAN September 4, 2015 Panelists talked about the strengths and weaknesses of the Iran nuclear agreement. As Congress prepares for a crucial vote on the Iran deal in September, our panel of distinguished experts looked beyond partisan lines to present a wide range of views on the national-security stakes involved for the United States, Israel,
Dr. Cohen discusses Europe’s energy security on “This Week in Focus”
Published on May 6, 2015 Expert Ariel Cohen joins the latest episode of “This Week in Focus”, to talk about Europe’s energy security, gas supplies from Caspian Region and Azerbaijan’s role in the Southern Gas Corridor
April 6, 2015
RBC Television Channel
Ariel Cohen, Ph.D.: Unanswered: Putin’s Continuing March on Ukraine
Published on Mar 23, 2015 Recorded at Center for Security Policy’s National Security Group Lunch on Capitol Hill on Thursday, March 19, 2015 Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., Director, Center for Energy, Natural Resources and Geopolitics, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security Topic: Unanswered: Putin’s Continuing March on Ukraine
Dr. Cohen on “This Week in Focus”
Published on Jan 28, 2015 The first episode of This Week in Focus program is dedicated to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well as role of the international community, in particular, Russia and the US in the settlement of the conflict.
Glenn Beck Interviews Dr. Ariel Cohen – What Depression Would Mean for the Global Economy
Published on Jan 15, 2015 We haven’t seen depression yet – what would happen to the global economy? Glenn Beck plays out the scenario with foreign policy expert Dr. Ariel Cohen.
By Михаил Соколов
November 27, 2014
Есть ли у США ответ на украинскую агрессию Путина? Говорим с профессором Ариэлем Коэном.
Dr. Cohen on Channel One Russia TV show “Структура момента”
November 26, 2014
Channel One Russia
В студии программы “Структура момента” обсуждают суть взаимоотношений России и Запада и перспективы развития этих отношений.
Interview: Obama’s Immigration Reform/Реформа Обамы
Life News
November 22, 2014
Dr. Cohen’s interview with Russian Life News about President Obama’s executive actions on immigration.