Despite Wars And Sanctions, Superyacht Market Continues Recent Growth

A superyacht is a status symbol and the ultimate pleasure boat. What ordinary people envisage doing on cruise ships, the super-rich do on their mega-yachts. Space and change of scenery have appealed to humans from time immemorial. However, with luxury yacht ownership requiring vast sums of disposable income, one would think that factors putting the global economy under pressure, such as inflation, Houthi terrorists and Somali pirates attacking ships in the Red Sea, sanctions following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and before that, the COVID-19 pandemic, would slow down the demand for superyachts. Instead, despite severe disruptions, mainly because of the post-Ukraine 2022 Russian invasion sanctions, with billions sloshing around in the global economy, demand for these vessels has reached a high point, driven by changes in the tastes of the ultra-rich, innovative new uses for superyachts, and the number of buyers able to splurge on such craft.

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