International Market Analysis


Category Archives: Articles & Blogs

McCarthy’s Concessions May Endanger Biden’s Energy Policy

Kevin McCarthy’s quest to become Speaker of the House ended after 15 votes with many concessions granted to the hardline, America first, Freedom Caucus within the GOP House delegation that prevented his unchallenged ascent. The extent of these concessions took weeks to emerge and drew controversy. Notably, Marjorie “Jewish space lasers” Taylor Greene received seats on the powerful Homeland

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The Future Battlefields: Rare Earth Elements

Sweden’s state-owned mining enterprise LKAB may have given the West hope in its quest for energy independence and containing China. Two weeks ago, LKAB announced it had discovered nearly one million metric tons of rare earth elements (REE). Read more here.

African Energy May Save Europe

After 2022-2023’s unusually warm winter, Europe may be winning its energy struggle with Russia, but a lasting solution for energy-hungry Europe has not arrived yet. While Europe’s ad-hoc responses to Russian embargos have succeeded in changing one of the cornerstones of its economy, they are neither systematic nor sustainable. Read more here.

Presidential Elections: A Boost For Kazakhstan’s Investment Climate

2022’s energy price convulsions did not start with Ukraine and Western sanctions against Russia. Another Russian neighbor, Kazakhstan, ushered in the year with protests triggered by higher fuel prices. These protests escalated into violence and rioting and sparked a brief Commonwealth Security Treaty Organization intervention, led by Russia. Read more here.

Geo-Engineer Most Of The Earth’s Surface? May Not Be A Great Idea!

As climate change shifts from a “far-off problem” to “eminent threat” in public perception, governments and billionaire philanthropists scramble to mitigate the impacts of global warming. Geoengineering, the radical transformation of the environment and ecosystem, has been an object of considerable interest. There are two main approaches to man-made climate intervention: Aerosol geoengineering, the spraying of particulates

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Ukraine Crisis Highlights Security Needs Of Civilian Nuclear Power

On November 27-28 a conference in Paris addressed a broad spectrum of challenges humanity is facing. Renowned thinkers, including Nuriel Roubini and Jacob Frenkel, the former Chairman of JP Morgan International, and three central bankers from Iceland, Tunisia, and Armenia, warned about inflation and the growing mountain of debt threatening the global economy. The panel

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