International Market Analysis


Category Archives: Articles & Blogs

Pariahs And Pals: Emerging Russo-Iranian Energy Cooperation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met for a much-heralded meeting in Tehran on July 19th to discuss energy policy, maritime security, and Syria. Many are eager to portray the meeting as a convergence of principled anti-western leaders who will challenge the international system. Read the full

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Sailing Solo: The Coming Shipping Revolution And LNG

The Prism Courage, the Hyundai Group’s 134,000-ton natural gas tanker, made history as the first large ship to make an autonomous voyage of over 10,000 kilometers. While many vessels are equipped with autopilot, the ship’s autonomous navigation system HiNAS 2.0 utilized artificial intelligence to steer and select optimal routes and speeds. Read the full article…

Is a Marshall Plan right for Ukraine?

Even before battlefields are silent, the battle for billions in Ukrainian reconstruction budgets has already begun. Top U.S. policy makers, including Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen championed the initial assistance package to Ukraine, which passed (86-11) in the Senate on May 19. Read the full article…

Kazakhstan Needs Stability And Economic Institutions To Develop Energy Resources

To understand the international agonies and opportunities that rising energy supply costs, exogenous shocks, increasing interest in renewables, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine present, there is no better example than Kazakhstan. It is singularly damaged by the current crises while simultaneously having so much potential to benefit from the global need for energy. Read the

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