Forbes Russia September 17, 2015 By Ariel Cohen Главным источником беспокойства США остается отсутствие информации о целях России на Ближнем Востоке За что боролись, на то и напоролись. Уж очень хотел президент Барак Обама освободить Иран из «клетки» санкций и освободил. Теперь российско-иранское сотрудничество по проблеме Сирии начинает нервировать Вашингтон. Россия говорит о сотрудничестве против
Category Archives: In The News
Dr. Ariel Cohen on the September 2015 clashes on and around Temple Mount in Jerusalem
TRT World September 14, 2015
Why Russia keeps pumping crude even as oil prices plummet
The Christian Science Monitor September 8, 2015 By Cristina Maza, Staff writer Russia – despite serious economic headwinds, and Western energy sanctions – is scrambling make sure it retains its status as a global leader in oil and gas. The persistent collapse of oil prices has been chalked up to a game of chicken between
Expert tells ‘Post’: Moscow “has definitely raised the quality of equipment it is sending” to Syria.
The Jerusalem Post September 7, 2015 By Ariel Ben Solomon Russia’s recent military buildup in Syria has sparked concern in Western capitals as Vladimir Putin again appears to be shrewdly calculating that the West will not significantly counter his moves. The Russian president’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region last year was not strongly resisted by
A More-Interesting-Than-Usual Panel on the Iran Deal
The Atlantic September 5, 2015 By James Fallows It’s Saturday night of Labor Day weekend. If you’re anything like me, rather than having some barbecue and a beer, or watching baseball, or watching tennis, or watching football (etc), or reading a book, you’re probably wondering: “How could I learn a little bit more about the
Iran Nuclear Agreement – C-SPAN C-SPAN September 4, 2015 Panelists talked about the strengths and weaknesses of the Iran nuclear agreement. As Congress prepares for a crucial vote on the Iran deal in September, our panel of distinguished experts looked beyond partisan lines to present a wide range of views on the national-security stakes involved for the United States, Israel,
No more Montenegrin pork? Russia adds 4 countries to list of import bans.
The Christian Science Monitor August 13, 2015 By Cristina Maza, Staff writer The ban includes meat, fish, dairy products, fruit, and vegetables. While some analysts have suggested that the economic consequences could be dire, others have scoffed that it’s purely political. Russia has added Albania, Montenegro, Liechtenstein and Iceland to a list of countries from
Kyiv Post
April 24, 2014
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
Vice President Joe Biden, who went to Ukraine on Monday for a two-day visit to express U.S. support for the government in Kyiv, has accused Russia of being behind the irregular armed forces who are taking over Eastern Ukraine
April 6, 2015
RBC Television Channel
Dr. Cohen on Channel One Russia TV show “Структура момента”
November 26, 2014
Channel One Russia
В студии программы “Структура момента” обсуждают суть взаимоотношений России и Запада и перспективы развития этих отношений.