Una guerra que nunca ha terminado vive su capítulo más sangriento desde la última gran tregua. A más de 30 años del inicio del conflicto del Alto Karabaj (o Nagorno Karabaj), Armenia y Azerbaiyán cruzan otra vez disparos y misiles y dejan muertos y heridos en una de las zonas de mayor tensión del planeta. Continued
Category Archives: In The News
Strategic Vacuums Resulting from U.S. Retreat
Geopolitics – like nature – abhors a vacuum. History is replete with examples that demonstrate how the rapid depressurization of a power pulling out from a region too quickly or too soon can lead to instability in the form of civil wars, military coups, or genocide. U.S. disengagement from key areas of Eurasia would create
Poland urges Germany to stop Nord Stream 2
As the Navalny case respins the geopolitical kaleidoscope, Poland is pushing Germany to scrap Nord Stream 2. DW looks at Berlin’s options for the costly, controversial and delayed gas pipeline. Continued
The Saudis have ‘painted’ themselves into a corner: Expert
Ariel Cohen of the Atlantic Council says Saudi Arabia “shot themselves in the head” regarding the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Continued
Discussing the US relations with Turkey
The U.S. foreign policy is becoming more nationalist, says Ariel Cohen, non resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Continued
US requests UN Security Council meeting to discuss crisis in Venezuela
Atlantic Council senior fellow Ariel Cohen and Fox Business foreign policy analyst Walid Phares on the widespread protests against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and how the U.S. has called for a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the crisis in Venezuela. Continued
Dr. Cohen’s discusses US- Russian relations on a leading Russian talk show, prime time Rossiya TV Channel
(Start 0:34)
Dr. Cohen Featured in Article in Newsweek
TRUMP’S DIPLOMACY PROBABLY PUSHED CHINA TO START TALKS WITH NORTH KOREA, EXPERTS SAY Newsweek 11/15/2017 By: Cristina Maza http://www.newsweek.com/trump-china-north-korea-diplomat-visit-deal-712559 China will soon send a senior diplomat to visit North Korea for the first time in two years, indicating that President Donald Trump’s recent pressure on Beijing to tackle Kim Jong Un’s regime and its nuclear
Dr. Cohen on CNBC: Technology transfers in China remain a key trade worry for US business