Wall Street Journal
November 27, 2014
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
The most important change needed for transporting crude throughout North America is the approval and construction of the fourth phase of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline. Keystone XL is an existing transnational network segmented into phases that cross Canada and the U.S. The first phase travels through the provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba before traveling to Steele City from north to south and from Alberta to Nebraska and continue to Illinois, Oklahoma, and Texas.
The Wall Street Journal
November 26, 2014
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
“Energy independence” has become a buzzword too closely associated with U.S. neo-isolationism. It is true that calorie by calorie, the U.S. can become “energy independent,” especially if it fully taps its massive fossil-fuel resources.
Kyiv Post
November 21, 2014
By Oksana Lyachynska
“We believe that Ukraine can make it as a European, free, Western-minded country,” Cohen said. “So does Vladimir Putin. And he is scared of that because an alternative Slavic, Eastern Slavic, Orthodox, half-of-the-country Russian-speaking country next to Russia is something he cannot tolerate.”
Journal of Energy Security
November 20, 2014
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
Europe’s dependency on Russian gas, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, has become a major strategic liability for the West. This is especially true as the war in Eastern Ukraine has brought relations between Moscow and Brussels as well as many of the European capitals to new lows.
The developments in Georgia are yet another step to eliminate a pro-Western, pro-American prominent politician, according to Ariel Cohen, the Director of the Center for Energy, Natural Resources and Geopolitics at the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, and Principal of the International Market Analysis Ltd.