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The Astronomic Costs of Reversing Climate Change 

The Wall Street Journal – The Experts October 3, 2014 By Dr. Ariel Cohen ARIEL COHEN: While energy experts love to discuss climate change, they often disregard the actual costs and benefits of this phenomenon. As political violence rises globally, addressing, let alone reversing, climate change, is becoming increasingly challenging. Whether climate change is man-made

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Dr. Cohen speaking at the Riga Conference on “NATO Wales Summit – Revitalizing the Trans-Atlantic Bond”

Published on Sep 12, 2014 Did last week’s Wales Summit reaffirm the bond between Europe and North America? As the Afghan government takes more responsibility for its own security, and the NATO operation in the country winds down, the countries in the Euro-Atlantic community are questioning how best to maintain strong capabilities and the seamlessness

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The Washington Times September 1, 2014 By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro Ariel Cohen, director of the Center for Energy Natural Resources and Geopolitics at the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, said the situation “looks like a disaster for Ukraine, but more importantly, it looks like a disaster for the cause of nonproliferation. “This is

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Путин, как миротворец: сможет ли он предотвратить новую войну за Карабах?

VOA Russia
August 11, 2014
By Dr. Ariel Cohen
Историческая встреча прошла в Сочи. Президент Владимир Путин попытался предотвратить еще одну вспышку на территории распавшегося Советского Союза: в Карабахе идет стрельба.