Tag Archives: Kazakhstan

30 Years of Bilateral Ties: The Special U.S.-Kazakhstan Relationship

September 2021 | Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., James Grant, and Douglas Townsend | Download The fifth report from ITIC’s Energy, Growth, and Security (EGS) program illustrates, analyzes, and projects the condition of U.S.-Kazakhstan relationships, including the trajectory set forth by First President Nursultan Nazarbayev upon Kazakhstan’s independence 30 years ago.

Kazakhstan Referendum Will Reshape Nuclear Energy In Central Asia

Kazakhstan has employed the time-honored practice of obtaining societal feedback by holding a referendum on October 6th, 2024, to determine whether it should begin constructing a nuclear power plant. With 64% of registered voters in the country submitting ballots, the referendum passed. 71.12% of voters voted in favor of building the plant, according to the

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