All posts by Ariel Cohen

Dr. Ariel Cohen on Khodorkovsky Live | Putin’s Visit to China

In an interview with Khodorsky Live, Dr. Ariel Cohen discusses the current political relationship between Russia and the United States and the impact of Vladimir Putin’s visit to China on international relations. В интервью с Ходорковский Live на программе Суббота Недели доктор Ариэль Коэн обсуждает текущие политические отношения между Россией и США, а также влияние

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Dr. Ariel Cohen on the Israel-Hamas War | Belsat TV

Watch Dr. Ariel Cohen’s appearance on Belsat TV discussing the ongoing American protests against the Israel-Gaza conflict and the United States halting ammunition to Israel as it conducts its operation in Rafah. В интервью с Belsat TV доктор Ариэль Коэн обсуждает протесты американских студентов в отношении Израиля и Газы, а также прекращение Соединенными Штатами поставок

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Leveraging Central Asia’s Rare Earth Elements for Economic Growth

December 2023 | Wilder Alejandro Sanchez, Ariel Cohen, and Wesley Alexander Hill | Download “While the report offers steps Central Asian nations to take advantage of this increasingly important global market, its call to action applies with equal force to nations outside the region, not least the United States, to recognize the importance of Central

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Central Asia: A Source of Energy for the 21st Century

November 2022 | Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., Wesley A. Hill, and Daniel Tomares | Download This report analyzes opportunities for Central Asia to expand its energy-exporting capacities, fortifying and assuaging a disrupted international system reeling from Russian aggression and its lack of reliability as an energy supplier. This report engages with four axes of analysis: 1)

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30 Years of Bilateral Ties: The Special U.S.-Kazakhstan Relationship

September 2021 | Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., James Grant, and Douglas Townsend | Download The fifth report from ITIC’s Energy, Growth, and Security (EGS) program illustrates, analyzes, and projects the condition of U.S.-Kazakhstan relationships, including the trajectory set forth by First President Nursultan Nazarbayev upon Kazakhstan’s independence 30 years ago.

Foreign Investment in Central Asia: Actors and Drivers

Issues Paper: December 2020 | Dr. Ariel Cohen and James Grant | Download The last 30 years of transformational growth have delivered for the people of Central Asia progress and prosperity. This report examines the policies that have helped to fuel that growth. At the same time, Central Asia has numerous country-specific and region-wide challenges

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Post COVID-19: Building Resilience in Central Asia

Issues Paper: June 2020 | Dr. Ariel Cohen and James Grant | Download This timely and edifying paper details COVID-19’s impact on Central Asia while outlining policy solutions for recovery. The main topic of this report is resilience – the ability of each nation to adapt to current crises and mitigate against future shocks.

Securing Capital Investment in Ukraine’s Grid: The Road to the Future

Issues Paper: June 2020 | Dr. Ariel Cohen and Vladislav Inozemtsev | Download In this paper, Drs. Ariel Cohen and Vladislav Inozemtsev present both the challenges of introducing a Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) tariff regulation in Ukraine’s electricity sector and the benefits it may bring to the industry, consumers, and the public finances of Ukraine.

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